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Does your child have difficulties with speech, language or literacy, or have a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder?

Designed 2 Shine Speech Pathology offers a range of services to children of all ages. If you are concerned about your child's development in any of the areas mentioned below, we can complete an assessment on your child and provide you with recommendations that will optimise their progress.

  • Mispronouncing certain sounds (articulation)
  • Difficulty following directions
  • Difficulty understanding what is said to them
  • Using fewer words or shorter sentences than other children their age
  • Showing signs of frustration when communicating
  • Reluctant to imitate sounds or words
  • Disinterested in communicating with people
  • Stuttering (i.e. repeating words or phrases, getting stuck on or elongating sounds)
  • Difficulty learning to read and spell (Early Literacy Development)
  • Difficulty with story telling
  • Frequently getting a hoarse voice
  • Difficulty learning and understanding social skills
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Learning Difficulties

Service Delivery Options


Given today’s busy lifestyle, we recognise the convenience of having therapy at your home, child’s school or kindergarten. We are happy to work with what suits you.

  • Home, kindergarten, school and clinic sessions available
  • Individual therapy, group therapy and home-programs available
  • Regularity of sessions include weekly, fortnightly, monthly or other options

Speech and Language Delays vs. Typical Development


Children grow at different rates. Similarly they also learn language at different rates. Many children experience speech disorder and language difficulties that are age appropriate and will resolve naturally over time. There are however, some children who will not outgrow speech and language difficulties with time. Below is a list of speech and language developmental milestones. If your child has not reached the communication milestones expected for their age, it is strongly recommended you get your child assessed. Early intervention is able to minimise future difficulties relating to confidence, learning and literacy in the classroom. The earlier difficulties are detected, the better the likely outcome for your child.

At 12 months of age, your child should be trying to communicate with you by using single words, gestures or sounds (especially when they need help or want something!)

By 2 years of age your child should have approximately 50 words and should be joining 2 words together. They should be able to produce words spontaneously without copying, and understand simple directions such as “Get your shoes” or “Point to your nose”.

By 3 years of age, your child should be speaking in 3-4 word sentences or greater. You should be able to understand what they are saying most of the time and they should understand most of what is said to them. They should be able to follow 2 step directions and answer what?, where? and who? questions.

By 4 years of age, your child should be easily understood by unfamiliar listeners. They should understand what is said to them, including longer and more complex instructions. Their sentences should be mostly grammatically correct and they should engage in two way conversations, expressing ideas, thoughts, requests and demands.


Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) – Help for children with Autism


Research has demonstrated that early intervention leads to improved outcomes for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. The sooner you get your child into therapy, the better the likely outcome. Designed 2 Shine Speech Pathology provides therapy for a number of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Their communication and social skills are enhanced by targeting language development, non-verbal communication (e.g. body language and facial expressions), speech, imaginative play skills, social requests (e.g. “Can I play with you?”), manners and politeness, emotions, and conversational skills (e.g. greetings, turn-taking, topic maintenance including question generation, repairs). Just as every child is different, so is each individual child diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder. Therapy is therefore tailored to the individual needs and priorities of your child and family.

Designed 2 Shine Speech Pathology is on the panel of FaHCSIA providers which means your sessions can be fully paid with your FaHCSIA funding. Each child with an Autism Spectrum Disorder is eligible for $12,000 to spend on health services until their 7th birthday. For more details on FaHCSIA funding, please refer to our page titled “Services, Fees and Funding”. For more information on Autism Spectrum Disorders, please continue reading.

If you would like to have your child assessed or seen by a speech pathologist, please contact us or leave us a message now. We’ll be happy to assist you in the best way we can.


Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorders


Autism Spectrum Disorders are now recognised as relatively common neurodevelopmental disorders affecting approximately 1 in 100 children. Children with Autism are less able to interact with the world compared to other children. They typically have deficits in three key areas including: verbal and non-verbal communication; social awareness and interactions, and imaginative play. Children on the spectrum vary in how severely they are affected. Children that are least affected are may have be given labels such as “High functioning Autism”, “Mild Autism” or “Autism Spectrum Disorder – Level 1”.  Children that are more severely affected may be given labels such as “Low functioning Autism”, “Severe Autism”, or “Autism Spectrum Disorder – Level 3”.

Most children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder are diagnosed during their early years of life. Common characteristics of preschool children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder include fussy eaters; unusual responses to other people (e.g. show no desire to be cuddled; have a strong preference for familiar people); limited eye-contact; limited desire for interaction or to share observations with others; constant or unusual absence of crying; repetitive movements (e.g. hand flapping or spinning of objects); obsessive interests; extreme resistance to changes in routine; preferring to be alone; limited development of play (especially imaginative play); difficulty sleeping and toilet training; delayed speech and language; excessive repetition of certain words and phrases (echolalia); and distressed by certain noises or crowded public places. There is no evidence of Autism in a child’s physical appearance, and many are good-looking in appearance.

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